2021 Speakers + Schedule

2021 The World of BOINC. April 14.

Come join the annual showcase of research projects using BOINC, and see what crowd-powered research is making possible today.

09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

Est program duration: 3.25 hours


START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

+00:10 David Anderson BOINC Initiatives

+00:40 Marcus Belcastro Review of BOINC projects

+00:55 Rytis Slatkevičius The Science Cloud

+01:10 Bruce Allen Einstein@home

+01:25 Ritu Arora BOINC@TACC: COVID Research

+01:40 David Wallom ClimatePrediction.net

+01:55 Juan Hindo World Community Grid: COVID

+02:10 John Clemens MachineLearning@home

+02:25 Nils Høimyr LHC@home

+02:40 Steven Clark NanoHUB (*postponed to April 28)

+02:55 Matt Blumberg Charity Engine + Find.Bio

+03:10 Matt Blumberg Wrap up + look forward to next week

All 2021 Day 01 videos posted to YouTube

2021 Tech Talks. April 21.

If you’re running a BOINC project, please join us to discuss technical aspects of your project: accomplishments, goals, and needs.

09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

Est program duration: 3.25 hours


START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

+00:10 Mohanty Sharada AICrowd

+00:25 Medha Atre Eydle AI

+00:40 Max Ryabinin Learning@home

+00:55 Panel: "Issues for AI on Volunteer Computing"

+01:10 Ritu Arora BOINC@TACC

+01:25 Andy Bowery CPDN

+01:40 Vitalii Koshura BOINC for Android

+01:55 Laurence Field LHC@Home

+02:10 Bernd Machenschalk Einstein@Home

+02:25 Rytis Slatkevičius + Tristan Olive Charity Engine

+02:40 David Anderson BOINC: Looking forward

+03:10 Matt Blumberg Wrap up + look forward to next week

All 2021 Day 02 videos posted to YouTube

2021 Community Discussion + Tutorials. April 28

On this third “virtual workshop” session, we’ll have “Birds of a Feather” discussions, to identify and address community needs: We’ll take a quick poll of participants to identify relevant topics of interest, and break into discussion groups for deeper dives into these themes.

Additionally, If you’re thinking of setting up a BOINC project, join our short “getting started” tutorial (60mins).

09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

Est program duration: 3.25 hours


START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

+00:10 Steven Clark NanoHub

+00:25 Steffen Möller BOINC on OpenWrt

+00:40 Marko Jukic SiDock@home

+00:55 Breakout Session Topic brainstorm + polling

+01:05 TRACK 01: Breakout Sessions

+01:05 TRACK 02: Project Setup Tutorial

+02:15 Full group: Breakout reports + discussion

+03:00 Matt Blumberg Wrap up and closing notes

All 2021 Day 03 videos posted to YouTube

All 2021 Day 03 breakout session notes