Who should attend?
The BOINC Workshop is for anyone interested in harnessing science, technology, and online community to advance knowledge and effect change.
(*Part of the workshop, “Tech Talks” and “Tutorials” will be focused on people running, or interested in running, BOINC projects.)
Where is the Event? How do I participate? Where do I sign up?
This year’s workshop will be online, via Zoom. Please register to get the event URL.
I’d like to present, who do I contact?
If you’d like to speak on any BOINC-related topic (science, technology, community), please register or contact us.
Can I watch a recording later?
We’ll be posting highlights to YouTube - but to participate in Q&A, and other interactive elements of the workshop, it’s best to join us live :)
Where can I find talks from prior years?
Content from the 2021 workshop is here.